Enshrinement Media Policies


A media credential is issued for the sole purpose of providing venue access to an individual (“Bearer”) who is working on an assignment for a legitimate news organization or an authorized provider of game-related services (as employee or agent) in connection with the events, activities, and interviews relating to or otherwise conducted by the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame, Inc. (“HOF”) (each, an “Event” and collectively, the “Events”), and Bearer hereby represents that he or she is attending the Event(s) solely for such purpose.  This credential is non-transferable, and any unauthorized use of this credential or violation of its terms may subject Bearer and/or the assigning news organization to ejection from the venue, revocation of the credential, denial of access to HOF venues in the future, prosecution for civil or criminal trespass, and any other remedies available under law. 

Unless expressly authorized in writing by HOF, the use, distribution, exhibition, reproduction, adaptation, display, performance or publication in any form of any photograph, drawing, account (whether text, data or visual) or description of any Event or any excerpt of any Event, taken or made by Bearer or his or her assigning news organization, shall be limited to news coverage of that Event by the assigning news organization to which this credential is issued. 

Neither Bearer nor his or her assigning news organization shall be permitted to record, transmit, use or distribute any film, video or audio of any Event (or any excerpts thereof), including but not limited to on a live streaming basis or in a high-speed sequential manner (e.g., animated .GIFs) so as to approximate video; provided, however, that if the assigning news organization has been authorized by the HOF to record, transmit or use film, video or audio excerpts of an Event pursuant to the HOF’s 2023 TV and Photo Highlights Regulations (the “Highlights Licenses”)  it may do so in accordance with the terms of the Highlights Licenses or such separate written authorization. 

All ownership, copyright and property rights in each Event (including, without limitation, the statistics thereof) and in any telecast, broadcast, transmission or recording thereof shall remain the sole property of HOF, and no such rights are conferred to or intended to be conferred to, or created on behalf of, Bearer or any other person or entity by the issuance of this credential. 

Bearer and his or her employer or assigning news organization:  (i) assume all risk incident to the performance of services by Bearer and assume all risk incident to Bearer’s attendance at Events (including, without limitation, personal injury (including death), sickness (including illness and other risks of exposure to COVID-19, or any other communicable disease or illness, or a bacteria, virus or other pathogen capable of causing a communicable disease or illness), lost, stolen, damaged or confiscated property, and all other hazards arising from, or related in any way to, the Events, whether occurring prior to, during or after an Event), in each case, howsoever caused, whether by negligence or otherwise; (ii) agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the HOF, NBAP, the National Basketball Association, its member teams, venues,
and their respective affiliates, agents and employees from and against all claims, liability, loss, damage or expense resulting from or arising out of (x) Bearer’s presence at the venue (which may include, without limitation, Bearer’s exposure to COVID-19), (y) Bearer’s acts or omissions or (z) the presence at a venue of any cameras, wires, cabling or other equipment brought on the premises or used by Bearer; and (iii) grant permission to the HOF and NBAP, their affiliates and their respective designees to utilize without compensation Bearer’s image, likeness and/or voice in any photograph or live or recorded video or audio display or other transmission or reproduction of any Event or in any excerpt thereof.

The Bearer and the Bearer’s belongings may be searched upon entry into a venue and/or other security checkpoints, prohibited items (which may include, without limitation, bags) may be confiscated at the sole discretion of the HOF and/or venue, and the Bearer hereby consents to the foregoing and waives any related claims that might arise against the HOF or the venue.  If Bearer elects not to consent, Bearer will be denied access to the venue.

The HOF or its designee may at any time revoke this credential and/or any of the rights granted hereunder for any reason in its sole discretion.  In case of any dispute regarding the terms and conditions of this agreement, New York law will apply (without regard to its choice-of-law principles).

Acceptance of this credential constitutes agreement by Bearer and his or her employer or assigning news organization to abide by the (i) foregoing conditions and (ii) HOF Policy for Online Use by Media and the TV and Photo Highlights Regulations, each of which can be found
at hoophall.com, and (iii) all health and safety protocols of the HOF, NBAP and the venue (including the Safety Requirements).

No autographs are allowed during media access periods.  Copying, duplicating or otherwise reproducing or distributing this credential or its image in any manner, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.